Pop up Vasa

Välkommen till Pop up Vasa på Handelsesplanaden 23A, Vasa till och med 22:a december. Det är öppet varje dag mellan 11-18. I pop up shoppen säljer konstnärer sin konst.

Pop up Vasa is a pop up shop in Vasa, Finland, where artists sell there art.

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Konst av/ Art by Susanne Hedman.



The exhibiton Soul Tattoo part I

Welcome to the exhibition Soul Tattoo.

There’s an online gallery on this adress:


And this is the trailer for the exhibition:



Actually it’s just frost on a window but to me it looks like frozen dragonflies or maybe fossils of the same. It’s quite amazing what kinds of shapes you can find in nature. So beautiful and sometimes so unexpected. This is what makes photography so interesting. To be able to explore the world around you and see things you never believed you would see.

IMG_3651Photographed with a small Canon SX50. The digital raw negative was color corrected in Lightroom 4.